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Instructor Information

Joshua Wiesman (Fall)


faculty photo

Anette (Peko) Hosoi (Fall)

Pappalardo Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Interest Areas

  1. Fluid dynamics
  2. Bio-inspired design
  3. Sports Data and Technology

faculty photo

John Brisson (Fall)

Director of MIT/SUTD Collaboration Office

Interest Areas

  1. Cryogenics
  2. Sub-Kelvin refrigeration
  3. Hydrogen liquefaction

faculty photo

Warren Seering (Fall)

Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Weber-Shaughness Professor

Interest Areas

  1. Design
  2. Product Development
  3. Machine Dynamics


2.009: An Iconic Engineering Class

2.009: Product Engineering Processes is a rigorous capstone class for undergraduates, bringing together everything students have learned along the way to develop a market-ready product.