• Apr. 23, 2018
    When Jordan Malone’s mother told him his passion for playing with LEGOs might translate into a passion for engineering, the young Denton, Texas, native made it a goal to study engineering at MIT. In...
  • Apr. 19, 2018
    As far as chance encounters go, the meeting between AnnMarie Thomas ’01 and Damian Kulash, the lead singer for the rock band OK Go, could not have gone better. Thomas and Kulash first met at a coffee...
  • Apr. 17, 2018
    The future of the internal combustion engine, with some 2 billion in use in the world today, was a hot topic at last week’s Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress in Detroit. There,...
  • Apr. 17, 2018
    Eight MIT faculty members are among 213 leaders from academia, business, public affairs, the humanities, and the arts elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the academy announced...
  • Apr. 16, 2018
    MIT engineers have developed a continuous manufacturing process that produces long strips of high-quality graphene. The team’s results are the first demonstration of an industrial, scalable method...
  • Apr. 11, 2018
    The MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design recently announced eight new projects for the academic year 2018-2019 that will be supported through its annual seed fund. These projects were...
  • Mar. 29, 2018
    Plastics are excellent insulators, meaning they can efficiently trap heat — a quality that can be an advantage in something like a coffee cup sleeve. But this insulating property is less desirable in...
  • Mar. 26, 2018
    Scraped up knees and elbows are tricky places to securely apply a bandage. More often than not, the adhesive will peel away from the skin with just a few bends of the affected joint. Now MIT...
  • Mar. 25, 2018
    If you were to ask someone to name a new technology that emerged from MIT in the 21st century, there’s a good chance they would name the robotic cheetah. Developed by the MIT Department of Mechanical...
  • Mar. 25, 2018
    The MIT innovation ecosystem spans a wide range of departments, centers, programs, and student groups that are spread across campus and beyond. With over 85 resources available to the MIT community,...
  • Mar. 24, 2018
    A new approach to analyzing and designing new ion conductors — a key component of rechargeable batteries — could accelerate the development of high-energy lithium batteries, and possibly other energy...
  • Mar. 21, 2018
    Over 17 million people around the world are forced to flee their homes by conflict or persecution each year. After enduring the long and treacherous passage to safety, many refugees arrive at...
  • Mar. 21, 2018
    It seems like getting something for nothing, but you really can get drinkable water right out of the driest of desert air. Even in the most arid places on Earth, there is some moisture in the air,...
  • Mar. 19, 2018
    MIT’s graduate program in engineering has again earned a No. 1 spot in U.S. News and Word Report’s annual rankings, a place it has held since 1990, when the magazine first ranked such programs. The...
  • Mar. 15, 2018
    Few toys have captured the public’s imagination quite like the Rubik’s Cube. Rubik’s Cube references have been made in all corners of popular culture — from "The Simpsons" to "Being John Malkovich."...
  • Mar. 13, 2018
    MIT engineers have developed new technology that could be used to evaluate new drugs and detect possible side effects before the drugs are tested in humans. Using a microfluidic platform that...
  • Mar. 11, 2018
    On Saturday, March 3, the Beaver Works facility was alive with hardworking university students collaborating with Boston-area citizens with disabilities. Wood and metal parts, PVC piping, laptops,...
  • Mar. 6, 2018
    Sharing of knowledge in a collaborative, hands-on environment is a hallmark of MIT's "Mind and Hand" educational philosophy. The value of this approach was recently demonstrated by a team of faculty...
  • Feb. 28, 2018
    Matthew Chun understands the difficulty of bringing new technologies from conception to market. The MIT senior and Rhodes Scholar co-founded Need-A-Knee, LLC his sophomore year, after working on a...
  • Feb. 28, 2018
    Two MIT seniors, Jani Adcock and Drew Bent, will be part of this fall’s inaugural class of Knight-Hennessy Scholars. The fellowship funds the full cost of graduate education at Stanford University....
