Steam condensation is key to the worldwide production of electricity and clean water: It is part of the power cycle that drives 85 percent of all electricity-generating plants and about half of all...
Melinda Hale
Allison Yost
by Alissa Mallinson
Entrepreneurs abound in MechE, but they couldn’t do it without the MIT entrepreneurial community, comprising an army of faculty, students...
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
A version of this quote, originally penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in “The Case-...
From the Fukushima tsunami disaster to the Deep Water Horizon oil spill, environmental disasters exact all-too-memorable damage to coastal communities. Imagine if it was possible to predict the exact...
Offshore wind could provide abundant electricity — but as with solar energy, this power supply can be intermittent and unpredictable. But a new approach from researchers at MIT could mitigate that...
Professor Varanasi’s Condiment-Bottle Coating Gives Waste the Slip
Photo: Courtesy of the Varanasi Research Group
by Alissa Mallinson
The Varanasi Research Group, led by Associate Professor...
Graduating Senior Lays Groundwork for Locating Fresh Water Sources
Photo credit: MIT News Office
by Nancy Adams
Submarine groundwater discharge, or SGD, describes water flowing underground...
Peter Lehner (SB ’49)
Peter Lehner had always been interested in mechanics, even as a teenager. He loved rebuilding old cars and wanted to become an aircraft engineer after college.
“I knew a...
Tiny robots may monitor underground pipes for radioactive leaks.
A spherical robot equipped with a camera may navigate underground pipes of a nuclear reactor by propelling itself with an internal...
MechE Teams Up with Sloan to Offer New Track in Ocean Systems Management
The Ocean Engineering Systems Management track will provide future managers in the shipping industry with both...