• Nov. 28, 2017
    MIT engineers have developed a new desktop 3-D printer that performs up to 10 times faster than existing commercial counterparts. Whereas the most common printers may fabricate a few Lego-sized...
  • Nov. 13, 2017
    A drop or two of cold cream in hot coffee can go a long way toward improving one’s morning. But what if the two liquids didn’t mix? MIT scientists have now explained why under certain conditions a...
  • Nov. 7, 2017
    The reluctance of oil and water to mix together and stay that way is so well-known that it has become a cliché for describing any two things that do not go together well. Now, a new finding from...
  • Nov. 6, 2017
    In early October, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker celebrated National Manufacturing Day at UMass Amherst by awarding grants through the Massachusetts Manufacturing Innovation Initiative (M2I2...
  • Oct. 25, 2017
    Imagine hopping into a ride-share car, glancing at your smartphone, and telling the driver that the car’s left front tire needs air, its air filter should be replaced next week, and its engine needs...
  • Oct. 10, 2017
    The albatross is one of the most efficient travelers in the animal world. One species, the wandering albatross, can fly nearly 500 miles in a single day, with just an occasional flap of its wings....
  • Oct. 10, 2017
    Healthy and fast food are two terms that seem in conflict. Add delicious and it seems downright impossible. But that’s exactly what T.K. Pillan ’90 set out to create when he started Veggie Grill in...
  • Oct. 5, 2017
    This October marks 15 years since Amy Smith, a celebrated inventor and educator, founded MIT D-Lab, which works with people around the world to develop practical solutions to global poverty...
  • Oct. 1, 2017
    MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) — MIT’s pioneering international education program — asked the 700-plus students who studied and worked abroad this summer to submit...
  • Oct. 1, 2017
    Jim Magarian spent nearly 10 years working for a major aerospace engineering company before becoming a graduate student at MIT, and many of the watershed moments in his engineering career were filled...
  • Sep. 20, 2017
    With goals that include finding better ways to purify and desalinate water, improving fertilizer production, and preventing food contamination, nearly two dozen research teams presented updates on...
  • Sep. 17, 2017
    Two-dimensional materials called molecular aggregates are very effective light emitters that work on a different principle than typical organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) or quantum dots. But...
  • Sep. 10, 2017
    When freezing droplets impact a surface, they generally either stick to it or bounce away. Controlling this response is crucial to many applications, including 3-D printing, the spraying of some...
  • Sep. 6, 2017
    The Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab (J-WAFS) has announced three new recipients of J-WAFS Solutions grants, as well as the award of a second year of funding to two current...
  • Aug. 31, 2017
    Last winter, MIT researchers discovered that a phenol-formaldehyde polymer transformed into a glassy carbon material in a process similar to baking reaches its best combination of high strength and...
  • Aug. 20, 2017
    Under a microscope, a cell’s cytoplasm can resemble a tiny underwater version of New York’s Times Square: Thousands of proteins swarm through a cytoplasm’s watery environment, coming together and...
  • Aug. 20, 2017
    Our bodies are lined on the inside with soft, microscopic carpets of hair, from the grassy extensions on our tastebuds, to fuzzy beds of microvilli in our stomachs, to superfine protein strands...
  • Aug. 7, 2017
    Infinite Cooling, an energy startup founded at MIT, pitched its business plan to a panel of energy experts and won first place at the second annual Cleantech University Prize (UP) national...
  • Aug. 3, 2017
    MIT alumnus Long Phan SM ’99, PhD ’12 is a technology innovator and entrepreneur with several engineering “firsts” under his belt. In the mid-1990s, Phan helped build the Draper Small Autonomous...
  • Jul. 17, 2017
    Access to clean, safe water is one of the world’s pressing needs, yet today’s water distribution systems lose an average of 20 percent of their supply because of leaks. These leaks not only make...
